The Asian Journal of Humanities
Published by
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia
Past Issue - Volume 21, Number 1, 2014 |
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- From Mosques to Khanqahs: The Origins and Rise of Sufi Institutions
Spahić Omer
Abstract: This paper examines the evolution of Sufi institutions from the realm of the mosque institutions to the independent and self-governing bodies and establishments that cater to the needs of the ever-proliferating Sufi community. The relationship between Sufi institutions and other Islamic socio-political, educational and religious institutions is also discussed. The focus of the paper is, first, on the historical needs of the Sufi, which called for the creation of self-governing Sufi institutions. This examination is followed by a discussion of the Sufi notion of travel and how this important Sufi tradition facilitated the gradual emergence of Sufi institutions. Then, the emergence of Sufi institutions from simple duwayrahs (small houses or convents) to ribats and multipurpose khanqah complexes is examined.
Keywords and phrases: mosques, Sufism, Sufi institutions, duwayrahs, ribats, khanqahs
- Perbandingan Kata Kerja Sokong dalam Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Perancis
(Comparison of Support Verbs in Malay and French)
Omrah Hassan @ Hussin and Ab Halim Mohamad
Abstrak: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penggunaan kata kerja sokong dalam bahasa Melayu seperti yang telah ditemui dalam penggunaan verbe support bahasa Perancis di samping ingin melihat peranan yang dimainkan oleh kata kerja sokong dalam ayat serta meninjau persamaan dan perbezaan yang wujud bagi binaan ayat yang menggunakan kata kerja sokong "memberi" dalam bahasa Melayu dan donner dalam bahasa Perancis. Kajian ini berdasarkan teori Leksikon-Tatabahasa (Lexique-Grammaire) oleh Maurice Gross dan menggunakan korpus kajian yang dikumpul dalam bahasa Melayu dan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Perancis untuk tujuan perbandingan. Hasil kajian ini mendapati kewujudan kata kerja sokong dapat ditentukan berdasarkan fungsinya sebagai perealisasi kepada kata nama predikatif atau nom prédicatif dalam ayat. Terdapat persamaan yang amat ketara dari segi makna bagi kebanyakan ayat yang mengandungi kata kerja sokong dan juga ayat yang diterbitkan dengan penggunaan kata kerja distribusi sama ada dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Perancis.
Kata kunci dan frasa: kata kerja sokong, bahasa Melayu, bahasa Perancis, Leksikon-Tatabahasa, perealisasi, kata nama predikatif
Abstract: This study aims to compare the use of support verbs (light verbs) in the Malay language as it was found in the French language. It also examines the role of the support verb in the sentences and explores the similarities and differences that exist in constructing sentences using the verb memberi in the Malay language and donner in French. This study is based on the Lexique-Grammaire (Lexicon-Grammar) of Maurice Gross theory and employs a corpus-based analysis of the verbs under study. The findings of this study support the existence of a verb that can be determined based on their function as the actualisation of predicate nouns (nom prédicatif) in a sentence. There are significant similarities in terms of the meaning of most of the sentences that contain light verbs and also the sentences constructed using distribution verbs in Malay and French.
Keywords and phrases: support verbs, Malay language, French language, Lexicon-Grammar, actualisation, predicate nouns
- Dancing with Shadows: Haruki Murakami's Dance Dance Dance
Sahar Jamshidian and Hossein Pirnajmuddin
Abstract: This article offers a reading of Haruki Murakami's Dance Dance Dance in terms of its ontological concern with the postmodern condition. The authors attempt to shed light on the modality of Murakami's critique of capitalism in its latest phase (Japan as an "advanced capitalist society"). Focusing on the potent symbolism of the title running through the novel, it is argued that Murakami presents characters who are paradigmatically "dancing with shadows", the shadows of a postmodern simulacral world. Even the idea of redemption through love turns out to be an illusion in this world, one whose messiah (the Sheep Man) can only offer passivity ("wait and see"). The authors expatiate on Murakami's uncanny deployment of parody to demonstrate how the ideology of capitalism makes people "dance" with the incessant, ubiquitous, vertiginous flow of images/phantoms of capitalism.
Keywords and phrases: Haruki Murakami, Dance Dance Dance, postmodern condition, capitalism, ideology
- Manuskrip Ilmu Bedil Sebagai Sumber Etnosejarah
Teknologi Senjata Api Melayu
(Malay Manuscripts on Firearms as an Ethnohistorical Source of Malay Firearms Technology)
Wan Mohd Dasuki Wan Hasbullah dan Siti Radziah Mustafa
Abstrak: Manuskrip ilmu bedil merupakan sumber maklumat peribumi yang penting untuk mengungkapkan tentang teknologi senjata api yang pernah dipraktikkan oleh orang Melayu suatu ketika dahulu. Dalam sekian banyak kajian yang menyentuh soal teknologi senjata api Melayu, manuskrip ilmu bedil sebagai sumber korpus yang lebih autoritatif sifatnya dalam konteks tersebut jarang sekali dirujuk. Kewujudan manuskrip ilmu bedil masih kurang disedari sehingga menyebabkan data penting yang terkandung di dalamnya tidak dieksplorasi dengan wajar, malah ramai pengkaji mungkin tidak pernah menjangka tentang isi kandungannya. Artikel ini cuba memberikan pendedahan tentang manuskrip tersebut dengan memerihalkan beberapa perincian penting dari segi isi kandungannya. Hal ini dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan manuskrip ilmu bedil yang tersimpan di beberapa buah pusat dokumentasi di Malaysia dan kemudian dianalisis isi teksnya sebelum diklasifikasi menurut topik dan subjek tertentu. Akhir sekali, isi teksnya dihubungkan pula dengan persoalan etnosejarah teknologi. Dalam kes ini, manuskrip ilmu bedil didapati merupakan sumber etnosejarah yang tidak boleh diabaikan dalam usaha mengkaji teknologi dalam konteks epistemologi tradisional orang Melayu. Menerusi wacananya, manuskrip tersebut secara khusus dapat digunakan untuk memahami keupayaan dan kearifan orang Melayu mengendalikan teknologi senjata api menurut lingkungan spatio-temporal, berdasarkan makna budaya yang ditunjangi oleh sistem kepercayaan dan pandangan dunia dalam latar sejarah kebudayaan mereka.
Kata kunci dan frasa: etnosejarah, ilmu tradisional, makna budaya, manuskrip Melayu, teknologi senjata api
Abstract: The Malay manuscripts on firearms are fundamental sources of indigenous knowledge with regard to the firearms technological know-how of the Malays in the past. Although much research has been done on Malay firearms technology, Malay manuscripts are rarely referred to despite being authoritative and pertinent sources of reference. Its very existence is little known to the masses; and this is most probably the one single cause that impeded researchers from exploring the extensive data in the manuscripts. This article aims to disclose the contents of the manuscripts through the description of the important details they hold. This was done by means of amassing the manuscripts on firearms from several archives throughout Malaysia, followed by a critical analysis of the texts. The findings obtained were then classified into relevant topics and subject matter. Finally, it was found that the content in firearms manuscripts forms a primary ethnohistorical source that is vital to the study of technology in the context of the Malay traditional epistemology. Through the study of its discourse, data can be harnessed to help understand the capabilities and intellectual capacity of the Malays in the handling of firearms technology according to their spatio-temporal sphere, based on the cultural meanings which spring from their belief system and world view, set in their cultural setting.
Keywords and phrases: ethnohistory, traditional knowledge, cultural meaning, Malay manuscripts, firearms technology
- Bbahul dan Hubungannya dengan Kepercayaan
Bbiruhui Etnik Rungus di Sabah
(Bbahul and the Bbiruhui Beliefs of the Rungus People of Sabah)
Low Kok On dan Azlan Shafie Abdullah @ Raymond Majumah
Abstrak: Bbahul ialah sejenis puisi tradisional etnik Rungus yang tinggal di daerah Kudat, Sabah. Puisi tersebut sangat popular dan dituturkan dalam kalangan etnik Rungus pada tahun-tahun sebelum 1980-an namun tidak lagi pada masa ini. Bbiruhui pula ialah kepercayaan turun-temurun etnik Rungus yang berkonsepkan Minamangun sebagai Pencipta Yang Esa, diikuti oleh pelbagai semangat baik dan semangat jahat yang dipercayai berada di alam ghaib. Kajian ini merupakan kerja lapangan dan penulis merakamkan dan mendokumentasikan bhahul lisan dan maklumat berkenaan kepercayaan Bbiruhui daripada sumber etnik Rungus. Pada peringkat awal kerja lapangan, beberapa orang sumber memaklumkan bahawa sesetengah Bbahul akan disampaikan oleh bbobbollizan (pakar upacara) dalam upacara Moginum bagi mengubati beberapa jenis penyakit. Hal sedemikian menunjukkan Bbahul mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan kepercayaan turun-temurun etnik Rungus. Dalam artikel ini, kepercayaan Bbiruhui sebagai sejenis kepercayaan rakyat akan diketengahkan. Pendapat sesetengah pengkaji yang beranggapan bahawa etnik Rungus ialah pagan juga turut disanggah. Seterusnya, sejumlah Bbahul terpilih yang berkait dengan kepercayaan Bbiruhui akan dianalisis bagi mendalami unsur-unsur kepercayaan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dengan berbuat demikian, hubungan antara Bbahul dengan kepercayaan Bbiruhui akan didalami.
Kata kunci dan frasa: bbahul, puisi tradisional, Bbiruhui, agama rakyat, pakar upacara
Abstract: The term bbahul refers to the traditional poetry of the Rungus ethnic group from the Kudat district of Sabah, Malaysia. Up until the 1980s, such poems were regularly recited by Rungus villagers; however their popularity has subsequently declined. Related to the bbahul are the Bbiruhui, the traditional beliefs of the Rungus. Such beliefs are founded on the concept of Minamangun, the sole Creator, who dwells in the spiritual realm accompanied by a host of benevolent and malevolent spirits. During field trips to collect bbahul and information regarding Bbiruhui beliefs, it was noted that certain bbahul are recited by the ritual specialist during the Moginum healing ceremony. These initial reports indicate that some of the bbahul are indeed related to the Bbiruhui beliefs of the Rungus. This essentially suggests that the Bbiruhui beliefs constitute a Rungus folk religion rather than pagan (as suggested by some researchers in the past), especially when considering the influence of the Christian and Islamic faiths from the 19th century onwards. Selected bbahul containing elements of Bbiruhui beliefs are analysed to have a better understanding of the relationship between the bbahul and the Bbiruhui beliefs.
Keywords and phrases: bbahul, traditional poetry, Bbiruhui beliefs, folk religion, ritual specialist