The Asian Journal of Humanities
Published by
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia
Past Issue - Volume 24, No. 1, 2017 |
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- Editorial
(Rencana Pengarang)
Hajar Abdul Rahim
- Apresiasi Dialog Kehidupan Berhikmah Komuniti Cina Muslim di Terengganu
(An Appreciation of the Dialogue of Life Wisdom among the Chinese Muslim Community in Terengganu)
Azarudin Awang and Khadijah Mohd Hambali
Abstrak: Dialog antara agama merupakan satu bentuk wacana agama bagi mencari titik persefahaman antara penganut agama yang berbeza kepercayaan. Dalam perbincangan dialog antara agama yang bersifat informal, 'dialog kehidupan' merupakan satu bentuk wacana masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan persoalan kehidupan harian yang bukan sahaja mengandungi elemen-elemen keagamaan tetapi juga mencakupi segala aspek kehidupan harian. Pelaksanaan hubungan antara umat beragama yang berlaku pada zaman Rasulullah SAW memperjelaskan bahawa pentingnya amalan toleransi bertunjangkan kebijaksanaan diketengahkan pada peringkat akar umbi. Dialog kehidupan berhikmah ini boleh diperhatikan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Cina Muslim di Terengganu dalam proses pembinaan semula hubungan dengan keluarga yang berbeza agama dan budaya hidup. Makalah ini membincangkan sejauh mana aspek-aspek hikmah diaplikasikan dalam kalangan masyarakat Cina Muslim di Terengganu ketika menjalinkan hubungan inter dan intra etnik melalui aktiviti yang dikenali sebagai dialog kehidupan. Dapatan menjelaskan bahawa komuniti Cina Muslim menjalinkan hubungan dengan masyarakat Cina bukan Muslim dan masyarakat Melayu Muslim berteraskan hikmah mengikut kerangka yang digariskan oleh agama Islam. Kajian deskriptif ini menggunakan kaedah temu bual ke atas 20 orang anggota masyarakat Cina yang telah memeluk agama Islam di Terengganu.
Kata kunci dan frasa: dialog antara agama, dialog kehidupan berhikmah, Islam, Cina Muslim, Terengganu
Abstract: Interfaith dialogue is a form of religious discourse to find understanding between different religious beliefs. In informal discussions of interfaith dialogue, 'dialogue of life' is a form of public discourse which is related to daily life issues that include both religious elements and aspects of daily life. The inter-religious relations that occur during the time of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) demonstrates the importance of establishing tolerance practices that are rooted in wisdom at the grassroots level. This dialogue of life is evident in the lives of the Chinese Muslim community in Terengganu in Malaysia, in rebuilding relationships with families of different religions and cultures. This article discusses the extent to which Chinese Muslims in Terengganu establish inter- and intra-ethnic relations through activities known as the dialogue of life. The findings suggest that the Chinese Muslim community's relationship with non-Muslim Chinese and Malay Muslim communities adheres to the framework of wisdom advocated in Islam. The findings of the current descriptive study are based on interviews of 20 Muslim Chinese converts in the state of Terengganu.
Keywords and phrases: interfaith dialogue, dialogue of life wisdom, Islam, Chinese Muslim, Terengganu
- Komunikasi Tradisi dalam Kepengarangan Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka
(Traditional Communication in the Authorship of Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka)
Roslina Abu Bakar
Abstrak: Makalah ini memfokus kepada komunikasi tradisi dalam kepengarangan manuskrip Melayu tradisional menerusi Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka (Cod. Or. 1932). Bagi menggambarkan proses komunikasi tradisi, penulis menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan serta teknik kualitatif menerusi model R.Lina: Komunikasi Dua Hala Terancang (RL: KDHT) (2013). Analisis kajian ini menunjukkan keunikan komunikasi tradisi dalam kepengarangan manuskrip Melayu tradisional, dan sorotan kepada elemen hubungan pengarang dengan Tuhan, individu, masyarakat dan alam. Makalah ini membahaskan tentang manuskrip Melayu tradisional yang dihasilkan oleh penulisnya yang berupaya menghasilkan mesej sehingga menghiburkan dan membawa maklumat kepada khalayak pembaca.
Kata kunci dan frasa: komunikasi tradisi, kepengarangan, manuskrip Melayu tradisional, Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka
Abstract: This article discusses the traditional communication in Malay manuscript authorship based on the Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka (Cod. Or. 1932). The process of traditional communication was analysed using content analysis methods and qualitative research techniques based on the R.Lina model: Two-way Planned Communication (RL: KDHT) (2013). The current analysis demonstrates the uniqueness of traditional communication in the authorship of Malay traditional manuscript in terms of the relationship between its author and God, individuality, society and nature. This article argues that the traditional Malay manuscript is able to generate a message that is entertaining and informative for readers.
Keywords and phrases: traditional communication, authorship, traditional Malay manuscript, Hikayat Pelanduk Jenaka
- Perayaan Maulid Menurut Ibnu Taymiyyah dalam Iqtiḍā'
(The Maulid Festival According to Ibnu Taymiyyah in Iqtiḍā')
Mohd Farid Mohd Sharif
Abstrak: Makalah ini membincangkan pandangan Ibnu Taymiyyah tentang Maulid dalam Iqtiḍā', sebuah karya yang menjadi polemik berhubung penyertaan orang Islam dalam perayaan-perayaan orang bukan Islam. Daripada satu sudut, Ibnu Taymiyyah berpendapat bahawa perayaan Maulid ialah amalan bidaah. Sambutan perayaan itu tidak diharuskan kerana golongan Salaf tidak menyambut perayaan itu dan tidak terdapat sumber tekstual yang mengharuskan amalan tersebut. Daripada sudut yang lain pula, Ibnu Taymiyyah juga menyebut tentang beberapa motif kebaikan di sebalik sambutan perayaan Maulid, namun telah disalahfahami oleh Ukeles melalui penelitiannya terhadap orang Islam dan keperluan-keperluan rohaniah mereka. Ibnu Taymiyyah tetap berpendapat bahawa orang yang menyambut perayaan Maulid tidak diberikan ganjaran kerana ia merupakan amalan bidaah dan status asal sambutan Maulid tidak berubah walaupun dikatakan terdapat tujuan yang murni di sebaliknya.
Kata kunci dan frasa: bidaah, Iqtiḍā', Maulid, Taymiyyah, Ukeles
Abstract: This article discusses Ibnu Taymiyyah's treatment of the Maulid in Iqtiḍā', a polemical treatise against Muslim participation in non-Muslim festivals. On the one hand, Ibnu Taymiyyah regarded the celebration of the Maulid as a reprehensible innovation because the Salaf did not observe the festival and no textual source exists condoning the practice. On the other hand, Ibnu Taymiyyah acknowledged the pious motives behind the celebration of the Maulid, motives that were misunderstood by Ukeles in his analysis of Muslims and their spiritual needs. Ibnu Taymiyyah nonetheless believed that the celebrants are not rewarded for participating in the innovated act itself and the original status of the Maulid is not altered despite the good intentions behind the celebration.
Keywords and phrases: innovation, Iqtiḍā', Maulid, Taymiyyah, Ukeles
- Pendekatan Normatif dalam Perbandingan Agama: Suatu Analisis Terhadap al-Quran
(Normative Approach in Comparative Religion: An Analysis of the Quran)
Mohd Faizal Abdul Khir
Abstrak: Makalah ini mengkaji pendekatan normatif dalam perbandingan agama yang diaplikasikan dalam kitab suci al-Quran al-Karim. Makalah ini merupakan kajian konseptual berasaskan metode induktif dan deduktif terhadap penyataan-penyataan al-Quran dan pandangan para sarjana. Bertitik tolak daripada definisi Metode Perbandingan Normatif, kajian ini menganalisis aplikasi metode ini dalam al-Quran. Dapatan analisis menunjukkan bahawa Metode Perbandingan Normatif terhadap agama yang dikemukakan dalam al-Quran perlu dipecahkan kepada dua bahagian, iaitu Metode Perbandingan Normatif Berhemah dan Metode Perbandingan Normatif Ofensif. Dalam melakukan perbandingan, al-Quran tidak menggunakan Metode Perbandingan Normatif Ofensif, sebaliknya tertumpu kepada Metode Perbandingan Normatif Berhemah.
Kata kunci dan frasa: pendekatan normatif, perbandingan agama, al-Quran, metode perbandingan normatif berhemah
Abstract: This article examines the normative approach to comparative religion in the Quran. The current conceptual study applies both inductive and deductive methods in analysing statements in the Quran and views by scholars. Beginning with the definition of normative comparison method, the current discussion goes on to analyse its application in the Quran. The analysis suggests that the method of normative comparison of religion should be divided into two, namely the prudential normative comparison method and the offensive normative comparison method. Also importantly, the current study found that the Quran restrains from applying the offensive normative comparison method and focuses instead on the prudential normative comparison method.
Keywords and phrases: normative approach, comparative religion, the Quran, prudential normative comparison method
- Spiritual Space or Theme Park? A Case of Postmodern Simulated Experience
Geneviève Gamache
Abstract: The small village temple Wat Rong Khun on the outskirts of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand is a modern artistic experiment created, at least partly, to attract both international and national tourists. As such, it is very successful – hundreds of tourists come to the temple on a daily basis. Yet, although it is a Buddhist temple, and as such one might expect the tourist to adopt a reverential gaze when visiting it, this essay shows how the tourist’s experience is disconnected from the spiritual and becomes superficial. This disconnect is due in no small part to the highly decorated surfaces of the temple, which are overwhelming, plastic and undeniably strange for a Buddhist temple. The temple is not only highly decorated, but also regulated and restrictive. All visitors are monitored and surveilled to make sure they approach the space and the different buildings as they should, and therefore experience them as intended for maximum visual impact. Visitors therefore approach the temple as they would other simulated postmodern spaces available to tourists. Their experience of the surfaces is reinforced by the commercial aspect of material culture available in the temple gift shop, where other objects of similar artistic and decorative qualities, as opposed to religious paraphernalia, are available for sale. Although the artistic programme of Wat Rong Khun has a lot to offer when it comes to religious teaching and iconography, the temple is here analysed as a postmodern simulated space, a simulacrum reinforced by consumerism, of both the visual (overabundant decorative temple surface) and material culture (artistic prints available in the gift shop).
Keywords and phrases: postmodernism, Buddhism, neo-traditional art, simulated space, tourism