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[ Vol. 26, No. 2, 2019 ]




The Asian Journal of Humanities

Published by
Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia

Past Issue - Volume 26, No. 2, 2019

  • Mengatasi Terorisme dan Islamophobia: Satu Kajian Terhadap Novel Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris
    Overcoming Terrorism and Islamophobia: A Study of a Novel “Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris”
    Sohaimi Abdul Aziz

    Abstrak: Terorisme telah menyebabkan negara-negara di Barat mempunyai pandangan negatif terhadap Islam dan umatnya. Pada persepsi mereka, jihad dikaitkan dengan keganasan dan Islam menggalakkan keganasan. Pandangan ini mencetuskan persepsi negatif terhadap Islam dan umat, iaitu Islamophobia (amat takut akan Islam) yang menyatakan bahawa Islam dan umat Islam menggalakkan terorisme. Apakah karya sastera seperti novel yang membincangkan terorisme seperti novel Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris boleh membantu mengatasi permasalahan ini? Tujuan utama makalah ini dihasilkan adalah untuk membincangkan perihal penggunaan konsep jihad yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam untuk mencetuskan terorisme seperti yang dilakukan oleh Jemaah Kiai Gadil dan diperlihatkan dalam novel Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris karya Damien Demantra. Tujuan kedua adalah untuk membincangkan cara mengatasi terorisme seperti yang dinyatakan dalam novel tersebut. Kajian terhadap novel Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikososial yang mengkaji personaliti Kemala dalam novel yang dikaji dan punca watak ini hampir melakukan terorisme. Melalui pendekatan psikososial ini juga, kajian yang dijalankan akan melihat bagaimana untuk mengatasi terorisme. Dapatan daripada makalah ini menunjukkan bahawa Islam menolak hubungan jihad dengan terorisme seperti yang dilakukan oleh Jemaah Kiai Gadil. Dalam Islam, tiada jihad sekiranya dikaitkan dengan keganasan. Hanya manusia yang dangkal pengetahuannya tentang Islam dan mempunyai masalah psikologi seperti Kemala sahaja yang akan melakukan terorisme. Makalah ini juga menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan yang lebih lembut (bukan ketenteraan), seperti mengkaji punca terorisme, didapati lebih sesuai digunakan untuk mengatasi terorisme. Secara tidak langsung, pendekatan yang lebih lembut ini akan menjadikan masyarakat memahami ajarah Islam tentang jihad yang sebenar dan pendekatan ini juga dapat mengikis Islamophobia.

    Kata kunci dan frasa: terorisme, jihad, Islam, Islamophobia, pendekatan psikososial

    Abstract: Terrorism has led the countries in the West to have a negative view of Islam and Muslim. They perceived that jihad is associated with violence and Islam promotes violence. This view sparked a negative perception of Islam and Muslims. Thus, the emergence of Islamophobia (deeply afraid of Islam) saying that Islam and Muslims are promoting terrorism. Can literary works like novels, which dealing with terrorism such as the novel Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris (By God, I am a Terrorist) help to solve this problem? The main purpose of this article is to discuss how the concept of jihad has been used to trigger terrorism as was done by Jemaah Kiai Gadil and shown in the novel Demi Allah, Aku Jadi Teroris by Damien Demantra. The second objective is to discuss how to overcome terrorism as stated in the novel. The study of the novel is done by using a psychosocial approach that examines the personality of Kemala, the character who almost commits terrorism. Through this psychosocial approach, the study shows how to overcome terrorism. The findings of this study show that Islam denied the relationship between jihad and terrorism as done by the Jemaah Kiai Gadil. In Islam, there is no jihad if it is associated with violence. Only those who are ignorant of the true teaching of Islam and those with psychological problems like Kemala will commit terrorism. This study also shows that with a softer (non-military) approach, such as identifying the roots of terrorism in Islam, the understanding of the true jihad in Islam will be comprehended, and inadvertently this approach will also erode Islamophobia.

    Keywords and phrases: terrorism, jihad, Islam, Islamophobia, psychosocial approach
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  • Implikasi Ideologi Terhadap Strategi Penterjemahan Unsur Budaya dalam Siri Harry Potter ke dalam Bahasa Melayu
    Ideological Implication on the Strategy for Translating Cultural Elements in the Harry Potter Series into Malay
    Atikah Zabir and Idris Mansor

    Abstrak: Penterjemah lazimnya membuat pemilihan terancang dalam proses menentukan strategi penterjemahan. Pemilihan ini antara lain bergantung kepada sejauh mana kuasa yang diberikan kepada mereka untuk membuat keputusan. Pemilihan strategi penterjemahan juga mencerminkan status teks asal berbanding teks sasaran serta ideologi yang mendorong kegiatan penterjemahan pada satu-satu masa tertentu. Kecenderungan strategi yang digunakan oleh penterjemah sama ada berorientasikan sumber atau sasaran boleh ditentukan dengan mengkaji cara sesuatu unsur budaya diterjemahkan. Sehubungan itu, kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengenal pasti strategi yang digunakan untuk menterjemah karya sastera kanak-kanak yang menjadi fenomena iaitu siri Harry Potter serta menganalisis faktor ideologi dan kuasa yang mendorong pemilihan strategi tersebut. Sebanyak 84 unsur budaya telah dikenal pasti dan dikelaskan berdasarkan klasifikasi unsur budaya oleh Aixela (1996). Prosedur dan strategi keseluruhan penterjemahan dibuat berdasarkan model klasifikasi pendekatan penterjemahan oleh Qafzezi (2013) yang memanfaatkan prosedur penterjemahan unsur budaya oleh Ivir (1987) dan strategi penterjemahan oleh Venuti (2008). Analisis kajian menunjukkan bahawa strategi penterjemahan yang digunakan untuk menterjemah siri Harry Potter ke dalam bahasa Melayu lebih cenderung kepada berorientasikan sumber. Penterjemah didapati memiliki kuasa yang terhad dalam menentukan strategi penterjemahan yang digunakan. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa telah berlaku perubahan ideologi dalam aktiviti penterjemahan karya sastera kanak-kanak di Malaysia pada masa kini dibandingkan dengan tempoh semasa pasca penjajahan.

    Kata kunci dan frasa: strategi terjemahan, ideologi, unsur budaya, Harry Potter, bahasa Melayu

    Abstract: Translators make deliberate choices when deciding translation strategies. The choices, among others, are based upon the extent of power the translators have for decision-making. The choice of translation strategy also reflects upon the status of a source text compared to translated text, as well as the ideological motivation guiding translation activities at a given time. The tendency in the strategy used by a translator, whether source or text-oriented, can be determined by investigating how culture-specific items are translated. Thus, this study has been carried out to identify the strategy used to translate a phenomenon in modern children’s literature that is the Harry Potter book series, and to analyse the ideological and power factors that influenced the choice of strategy. Eighty-four culture-specific items have been identified and grouped according to Aixela’s (1996) classification of culture-specific items. The procedures and overall strategy were based on the translation procedures classification model by Qafzezi (2013) which leverages the typology of procedures for translating culture-specific items by Ivir (1987) and Venuti’s (2008) framework for translation strategies. The findings show that the translation strategy used to translate the Harry Potter series into Malay is largely source-oriented. The translator has limited power in deciding the strategy for translating the book series. The study also indicates that there has been a change in the ideological aspect behind children’s literature translation activities in Malaysia now compared to the period of post-colonialism in the 1970s and 1980s.

    Keywords and phrases: translation strategy, ideology, cultural elements, Harry Potter, Malay
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  • Darurat atau “Perang Kolonial” 1948 di Tanah Melayu: Satu Perbahasan Berdasarkan Beberapa Aliran Pemikiran dan Perspektif
    Emergency or “Colonial War” 1948 in Malaya: A Debate Based on Several Schools of Thought and Perspectives
    Azmi Arifin

    Abstrak: Kajian ini meneliti pelbagai tafsiran ahli sejarah tentang faktor-faktor utama yang membawa kepada perisytiharan darurat oleh British di Tanah Melayu pada tahun 1948. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sebab-sebab terdapatnya ketidaksepakatan dalam kalangan ahli sejarah mengenai faktor-faktor yang membawa kepada darurat dan apakah kekurangan setiap pandangan yang dikemukakan. Dalam kajian ini, tulisan-tulisan utama yang menjelaskan pandangan ahli sejarah akan diteliti. Ahli sejarah yang membincangkan tentang Darurat 1948 secara umumnya terbahagi kepada beberapa aliran: Ortodoks, Revisionis, Neo-Orthodoks dan Pasca-Revisionist. Pandangan Ortodoks menerangkan bahawa darurat telah diisytiharkan oleh British sebagai tindak balas terhadap keganasan komunis dan kewujudan rancangan pemberontakan bersenjata oleh Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) bagi menjatuhkan pemerintahan British. Walaupun demikian, mutakhir ini telah timbul kritikan terhadap pendekatan Ortodoks yang dianggap terlalu bergantung kepada laporan rasmi pihak perisikan dan pentadbiran British. Dengan bukti terkini yang diperolehi melalui rekod yang dikeluarkan oleh Arkib Kebangsaan British bermula pada penghujung 1990-an, muncul pandangan alternatif yang mula mempertikaikan sama ada perisytiharan Darurat 1948 adalah kerana pemberontakan PKM atau lebih didorong oleh tujuan lain yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan mengekalkan penjajahan British di Tanah Melayu. Beberapa ahli sejarah Revisionis dan Pasca-Revisionis mendakwa bahawa Darurat 1948 adalah satu bentuk “perang kolonial” yang dicipta sebagai sebahagian daripada konspirasi British untuk membendung ancaman pergerakan nasionalis yang sengaja dituduh oleh British sebagai sebahagian daripada anasir komunis.

    Kata kunci dan frasa: kolonialisme British, Parti Komunis Malaya, darurat, Perang

    Abstract: This study examines the various interpretations by historians about the major factors that led to the declaration of emergency by the British in Malaya in 1948. The main purpose of this study is to analyse why there is disagreement among historians about the factors that led to the emergency and what are the weaknesses of every view expressed. In this study, the main sources that explain the views of historians will be examined. Historians discussing the Emergency of 1948 are generally divided into several schools of thought: Orthodox, Revisionist, Neo-Orthodox and Post-Revisionist. The Orthodox view explains that the emergency was declared by the British in reaction to communist terrorism and the existence of an armed rebellion plan by the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) to bring down British rule. However, recent criticisms have arisen on the Orthodox approach which is considered to be over-dependent on official reports by the British intelligence and administration. With the latest evidence available through records released by the British National Archives beginning in the late 1990s, an alternative view emerged that began to question whether the declaration of emergency in 1948 was due to MCP rebellion or more driven by other purposes related to the interest of maintaining British colonialism in Malaya. Some Revisionist and Post-Revisionist historians claim the 1948 Emergency is a form of “colonial war” that was created as part of the British conspiracy to curb the threat of nationalist movement deliberately accused by the British as infiltrated by communist elements.

    Keywords and phrases: British colonialism, Malayan Communist Party, emergency, Colonial War, Cold War
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  • Heideggerian Conscience as Placebo Effect in Auster’s Mr Vertigo: The Art of Life in the Face of Death
    Mohammad-Javad Haj’jari and Nasser Maleki

    Abstract: The voice of conscience, in Heideggerian existentialism, stands for humanity’s inherent potency to call himself into an authentic way of living. Heidegger, through this concept, calls us to acknowledge the range of our possibilities in life before death than regret what we have already done. Since authentic living is a process than an end – no salvation being possible in this world – being sensitive to the call is trying to be authentic throughout life. As such, the call acts like taking placebos which keep us hopeful while we are in bad health, although there might be no cure. Paul Auster’s Mr Vertigo, being a novel filled with existential themes, can be read to concretise the existential intonation of Heideggerian conscience, following Auster’s own existential outlook into the human condition. This paper, by applying an interdisciplinary approach, thus reads Mr Vertigo in the light of Heidegger’s certain existential concepts and the implications they have concerning how our existential conscience has a placebo effect. As such, this paper is to argue that Auster’s Yehudi in Mr Vertigo plays the role of Walt’s voice of conscience to help him with an authentic life style, the novel meanwhile highlighting how the call of conscience can help Heidegger’s “Dasein” with the infinity of possibilities it has before death in a world determined by contingency.

    Keywords and phrases: Auster, conscience, Heidegger, Mr Vertigo, placebo effect
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  • From French into Malay via English: The Indirect Translation of Henri Fauconnier’s Malaisie into Malay
    Intan Suraya Zainol and Haslina Haroon

    Abstract: An indirect translation is a translation in language C which is produced not from the source text in language A but based on a mediating text in language B which itself is a translation of the source text. One issue arising from indirect translation is the issue of fidelity, that is, the extent to which the translation reflects the original source text due to the presence of the mediating text. The aim of this paper is to examine this issue by focusing on a translation in Malay entitled Nurani Tanah Melayu, the English mediating text, The Soul of Malaya and the French source text, Malaisie. More specifically, the paper aims to determine the types of relationship that exist between the three texts and to establish the changes made by the translator in the process of translating. Ultimately, the aim is to establish whether the process of indirect translation produces a translated text that deviates from the original text and if so, whether the mediating text plays a role in the deviations that occur. For this purpose, a comparison is carried out between the three texts with the aim of establishing the similarities and differences between them. The findings indicate that the deviations from the French source text in the Malay translation are not necessarily due to the mediating text. Additionally, in cases where the Malay translation reflects the French source text, the adherence to the French text is not necessarily due to the assistance the mediating text.

    Keywords and phrases: indirect translation, literary translation, intermediary text, mediated translation, Malay translation
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  • The Real in the Magic: A Study of Magic Realism in Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990)
    Nuurzahirah Ali and Aimillia Mohd Ramli

    Abstract: While many studies have focused on Salman Rushdie’s use of magic realism in his highly-acclaimed novels, the way it is employed in his children’s fiction remains understudied. This paper, hence, attempts to fill in this gap by applying Anne Hegerfeldt’s (2005)’s theoretical framework on magic realism onto its reading of Salman Rushdie’s Haroun and the Sea of Stories (1990). This framework relies on five techniques or features namely: a realist mode of writing to describe fantastic events and characters, a marginalised focaliser, subverted scientific and historical discourses, a supernatural reality and finally, a literal manifestation of a figurative expression. This paper also suggests that Rushdie employs magic realism to undermine the realist narrative mode as well as scientific and historical discourses in order to present an alternative worldview that places narrative knowledge, gathered from stories with magical characters and events, as a legitimate source of knowledge regarding the world.

    Keywords and phrases: magic realism, Salman Rushdie, children’s fiction, narrative knowledge
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  • Book Review
    In Malay Forests, by George Maxwell. Edinburgh and London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1907, 306 pp. ISBN 13: 9781429743136
    Puteh Noraihan A Rahman

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