Field observation will be conducted to objectively measure the number of traffic offenses within the USM main campus. The data will serve as a baseline data for post-campaign evaluation. The field observation will take place at the roadside of Eureka building, Jalan Cahaya Gemilang, Jalan Bakti and Roundabout Kedai Mahasiswa. Samples will be taken at 3 different times (morning, noon and evening) in a day within a span of 7 days beginning from 4th Jan 2010 to 10th Jan 2010 .
Data of traffic offenses will be collected by the appointed enumerators. The post campaign field observation will be conducted after the implementation of KRT campaign beginning from 19th March until 23th March 2010 and results will be compared with the baseline data collected earlier. Below are the specific traffic violations that will be evaluated and the locations:
Traffic Violations: