The born of KRT@USM in year 2009 is greatly due to the need of the society in understanding the involvement of young motorists in road accidents is one of the major road safety issues in Malaysia. The young motorists’ issues have gained significant attention from scholars and researchers in road safety, due to the fact that this group of population are showed to be substantially involved in many fatal and injury accidents compared to the older and more experienced motorists.

Past road safety literatures has consistently stressed that not all young motorists are problematic motorists. There are increasing evidences in the current literatures on the existence of a subgroup of “deviant motorists” or “problem young motorists” or “high risk young motorists, who possess distinct characteristics, attributes and personalities from the normal, ordinary young motorists. Efforts to identify the profiles of these high risk or deviant motorists and to suggest specific intervention programs that can be tailored to the needs of this subgroup are very crucial to reduce the numbers of road accidents among youth in Malaysia.

It must be first mentioned here that the definitions of the young motorist varies, most often are decided based on the legal age at which a motorist may obtain a license. In this study, youth motorist refer to a person who operates a motor vehicle (car and motorcycle) aged 19 to 24 years, who have obtained at least their provisional licenses.