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1. Letter To An Arab Muslim (2000) by Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi. This book presents an analysis of the decline of the Arab people into nation states and their adoption of the usurist political model.
2. The Hundred Steps (1998) by Shaykh 'Abdalqadir al-Murabit This book contains a description of the conditions, states and stations of the path of Tasawwuf, and for each of these, instructions, warnings and guidance for the seeker.
3. Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik ibn Anas: The First Foundation of Islamic Law (1997) Translated by Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley The first formulation of Islamic Law based on the behaviour of the people of Madinah during the time of the great Companions, Al-Muwatta is the blueprint for a just and radiant society: the earliest, clearest, cleanest record of salafi Islam.
4. Islam Hari Ini/Islam Today (1999) by Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi 1 Dirham; RM 6.00
Last Updated: 07/06/03 ©NorizanEsa2002