Guideline For Authors (Download)
Manuscripts must be submitted through the online submission and peer review system, ScholarOne Manuscripts™. Authors should first register at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/aamjaf
To permit anonymity for refereeing, the author’s name(s) should not appear on the manuscript. Attach a cover page containing the title of the article, the name and affiliation of each author with complete correspondence information. Please also indicate the corresponding author.
The first page of the manuscript should only show the title of the manuscript and to include a 100-150 words abstract followed by not more than six keywords identifying the main areas of the paper.
Footnotes where possible should be avoided. Acknowledgements if any should be placed at the end of the manuscript. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the citations made. All references should be identified in the text by placing cited author’s last name followed by a bracket, e.g. Chang (2003). Page number is to be added when the reference is to a specific page or is a quotation, e.g. Chang (2003, p.24). If there are more than two authors, the first author’s last name should be cited followed by et al.
Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals followed by a brief title and be referred to in the text. Each table is to be typed on a separate sheet.
All diagrams and graphs should be referred to as Figures and be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals followed by a title, in the order they are referred to in the text. Each figures should be placed on a separate sheet.
The Journal adopts the APA referencing system. All references should be listed in alphabetical order. See the followings for examples:
Manuscript length should be within 7500 words.
Chang, S. (1998). Takeovers of privately held targets, methods of payment and bidder
returns. Journal of Finance, 53(2), 773-784.Monks, R.A.G. and Minow, N. (2003). Corporate Governance. United Kingdom: Blackwell

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