Academic Session 2009/2010
Semester I
KIT 253 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamic
KIT 355E Unit Operation Laboratory
Semester II
KIT 252 Unit Operation
KIT 355E Unit Operation Laboratory
Short Course
NIK163-Lignin and Its Extraction Process
Date : 12-13 July 2010
Fee : RM 1,200.00
Minimum participants: 10 persons
Lignin is an amorphous polyphenolic material arising from
an enzyme-mediated dehydrogenates polymerization of three
major phenylpropanoid monomers, which are coniferyl, sinapyl
and p-coumaryl alcohol which can be found in most trees.
Lignin has various usages in industries. This course is
an introductory to anybody who interested to learn about
lignin and its extraction process.