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About NRIC


The legacy of NRIC

Welcome to the official website of the Novel Research and Innovation Competition 2016 (NRIC 2016). This year, the Student Representative Council of Universiti Sains Malaysia will again organize the competition that had successfully altered the course of young Malaysian researchers and also young researchers from the Asia region over the past years of its launching. Established in 2006, this prestigious competition has been instilling the importance of research and development into the students’ project besides giving them a once in a lifetime opportunity to put their talents and creativity into display to the eyes of the frontlines of the industry. As an APEX university, we go hand in hand with the element sustainability as the core of the projects presented by the participants.

The categories presented in the competition are :

  • Life Science
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Health & Medical Science
  • Social Transformation & Creative Arts
  • Information Technology & Communication
  • Fundamental Science

An additional category that was introduced in 2011 is the Community Research & Innovation Competition (CoRIC). CoRIC is a viva-oriented competition, in which requires the participants to present their ideas of how to make a better world in front of judges. The team with the most captivating idea will then be granted with capital to make their idea a reality.

Last two years, the young researchers who were sent to the British Invention Show 2013 (BIS 2013) by NRIC 2013, bagged a big win in the show, indicating that our young researchers pack a potential hopes of winning the BIS again this year. In NRIC 2016, with the theme ‘Transformorphosis - Outshining the Innovationalities’, we are anticipating more participation from ambitious young researchers for the quest of searching the best among the best.

Categories of NRIC

Life Science | Fundamental Science | Information Technology & Communication | Health & Medical Sciences | Engineering & Technology | Social Transformation & Creative Art | Community Reseacrh & Innovation Competition