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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How to participate?

Online registration is available through this website.

2. Who is eligible?

It is open to undergraduate students only. Those who are interested can do so by contacting their institutions about the enrolment requirement from each institution.

3. What is the maximum number of participants allowed from each university?

The number of participants allowed from each university is only up to a maximum of fifteen (15).

4. How to hand in the payment?

Payment can be made by cheque, cash or purchase order (PO) to:


The registration fee for each entry is RM1300.

Full payment should be made by the respective participating universities on the registration day.

5. Where will the contestants stay during this event?

Accommodation for NRIC participants will be provided at the following residential colleges (RC):

i- Restu*
ii- Tekun*

There will be two (2) individuals per room in both RCs.
*Subject to change. Participants will be updated should there be any.

6. Where will NRIC be held?

NRIC will be held at Dewan Utama Pelajar (DUP) which is located at USM Main Campus, Penang, Malaysia.

7. When will the event be held?

NRIC 2014 will be held for three consecutive days, from 19-22 August 2014. Registration counter will be opened on 19 August 2014 to allow contestants to setup their booth.

Categories of NRIC

Life Science | Fundamental Science | Information Technology & Communication | Health & Medical Sciences | Engineering & Technology | Social Transformation & Creative Art | Community Reseacrh & Innovation Competition