Categories of NRIC

Life Science | Fundamental Science | Information Technology & Communication | Health & Medical Sciences | Engineering & Technology | Social Transformation & Creative Art | Community Reseacrh & Innovation Competition



Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) had successfully made a breakthrough by organizing Novel Research & Innovation Competition in academic year of 2006/2007, this achievement remains its splendid for the following academic year until now. From the previous achievements, USM portrayed a vivid image as an APEX University which strives for a continuous excellence in the field of research and development. Hence, MPPUSM would like to make NRIC 2017 as the supportive step in instilling the importance of research and development to the students besides giving them an opportunity to put their talents and creativity into real actions.

In the year of 2017, we are going to transform the traditional NRIC towards a higher yet quality level to not just a competition-based event. Besides participations of both local universities (IPTA) and private universities (IPTS) in Malaysia, NRIC 2017 is encouraging and inviting more participations from institutions of higher education all around Asia countries. These initiatives make USM an outstanding one by making its efforts in creating a platform of knowledge interactions and idea sharings. We are pleased to gain supports from vary corporate sectors as well as Malaysian government in order to make this event a success. This years’ convention will be extended to an additional flow of activities which encompasses Community Research & Innovation Competition (CoRIC), Innovation Pitch Challenge (IPC), corporate exhibitions and excursions.

These competition and convention are meant to build a good rapport between the institutions of higher education within our country. The strong ties cemented are believed to favour in our intention of nurturing capable human capital and workforce for the country’s future development. This project catches the public’s attention and is strongly supported by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia due to its huge impact on the country’s development which affects all sectors positively in terms of research and innovation, regardless of public or private as well.

Lastly, we also would like to take this opportunity to invite several corporate companies from different sort of industries to exhibit their products and services. Moreover, a small-scaled business fair is also held in conjunction tot his event. hence, chances of collaboration between higher education institution and corporate sectors are definitely created and thus giving companies to have a direct access to market their product for students as well as getting the pool of future workforce.