Categories of NRIC

Life Science | Fundamental Science | Information Technology & Communication | Health & Medical Sciences | Engineering & Technology | Social Transformation & Creative Art | Community Reseacrh & Innovation Competition


The objectives of the program :

  1. To strengthen the University Sains Malaysia brand as an APEX university through Research University
  2. To support the ambition and anticipation of the nation by boosting the nation’s development through the empowerment towards research and improvement in science and technology;
  3. To enhance the value of sustainability in research outcomes for the better of future sustainability;
  4. To give recognition to the innovation research projects presented by the undergraduates, postgraduates and also the diploma, by the university;
  5. To exhibit exclusively the winning products and innovations earned from a progressive research and development of the students from IPTs as well as other countries.
  6. To encourage students in conducting researches and innovations thus creating their own career opportunities.
  7. To provide paltform of exposure the undergraduate students to international research programs.