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About School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM

School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM is no doubt the first school of Pharmacy in Malaysia. Since its existence in 1972, the school offers a B.Pharm. (Hons.) degree course which provides undergraduates with a broad training in pharmacy including pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology, physiology, clinical pharmacy and social and administrative pharmacy. The curriculum is designed to prepare pharmacy graduates for lifelong learning and leadership capabilities as drug specialists of the new millennium. Now, the school also offers Master and PhD programmes for all disciplines of pharmacy.


Its mission is to produce both professional and competitive graduates to satisfy the needs of the pharmacy profession and the society, to undertake high quality and commercially viable research activities, besides strengthening activities related to consultancy, innovation and global collaboration. The school also focuses on active participation and involvement towards the improvement of community health and wellness. In addition, the National Poison Centre, Center of Drug Research, National Doping Centre and lately, the National Institute of Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical have developed a close association with the school.

Last but not least, the vision of School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of USM is to be a referral centre in pharmacy education and to conduct cutting-edge multidisciplinary research for the advancement and dissemination of knowledge.

