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To meet the demand of new challenges and to protect the interest of the public, we have set new objectives in the latest installment of this project:

  • To discuss current issues regarding the pharmacy profession and education.
  • To expose and disclose the students to real situations in the pharmacy field around the world.
  • To build network among pharmacy students within the Asia Pacific region and worldwide.
  • To promote cultural exchange among the students.

We believe that the extensive and diverse program of the Symposium will offer something interesting to every participant, and the social part will provide ample opportunities for informal and friendly socializing.

Previous symposia have seen a great success in stimulating vibrant discussion between attendees, and the wide-ranging international groups of participants. To provide in-depth details of the project, we have prepared a catalogue of images captured from the previous symposia and are more than willing to send a copy upon request. These images would bring a new dimension in the understanding of the events and the activities that we will be having throughout the whole week of APPS.

